Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Orwell in Burma

Listened to an interesting storyon NPR about Burma, that a pseudonymed writer has just written. The writer, Emma Larkin, reported that the Burmese consider that Orwell wrote three books about Burma. Burmese Days, about the colonial period, Animal Farm about decolonization, and 1984 about the current state of tranny in Burma. To that list Shooting an Elephant could be added as well.

Orwell as also shown up in my favorite Newsgroup soc.history.what-if, also accessible through google.

In 2003 Phil Hunt started a DBWI, wondering what would have been Orwell impact if he had died in the late forties. Look here for The Road to Saigon not written. And another post about Orwell's 100th birthday.

George Orwell, or at least non pseudonymed as Eric Blair, in a huge multipart timeline "A Shot Heard Around the World". He shows up in a where are they now piece as police official/part time writer.

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