Friday, September 16, 2005

Hitchens - Galloway Debate

A debate between George Galloway and Christopher Hitchens was held on Wedesday in NYC. It was a combative and an entertaining display of rhetorical prowess of two left wing Brits who know each other a little too well.

A direct link to the debate is on the front page of KPFTX, a radio station. The debate is broken down into 5 chunks. The first chunk is the pre-game commentry. Feel free to fast foward. The last file is an except of George Galloway's testimony before some congressional committee.

On BBC page for this debate there is a nice suming up. Here is the BBC's seven minute report and condensation of a 2 hour debate.
Journalist Christopher Hitchens takes on MP George Galloway in a ferocious encounter over the rights and wrongs of the Iraq War. Hitchens thinks deposing Saddam Hussein was a noble act. Galloway retorts that an illegal occupation will only create more Jihadist terrorism.

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