Friday, September 30, 2005

Interesting new (to me) Blogs

After logging to blogger you can scroll around to blogs that have just been update and to blogs that some human (or bot) considers interesting. Today I came accross an interesting blog and decided to alter my links bar to add it and other blogs.

The Language Guy is a blog by a theoretical linguist and philosopher. If you remember Safire's old column you will find this interesting. However TLG, Mike Geis, focuses on wider topics then proper word use. He tries to look into the philosophical underpinnings of language use.

Jihadi Watch is a newsblog devoted to tracking the crazy psychopathic god bothers who want kill us all or/and die trying. The other alternative for the jihadis is convert everyone to their belief system or/and die trying. As Jihadi Watch proves, and other pro jihadi sites like Khilafah, Islam should not be thought of not as a religion or even a philosophy but as a universal political organization. And like communists what is unobjectionable when limited to marginalized intellectuals results in bloodshed with the power of the state. Unlike say Christianity and Buddhism which moderated the blood lust of the states it converted. Terrorist = moslem missionary.

Kirkwood is the blog of my father.

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