Sunday, February 19, 2006

Cartoon Jihad

Several months ago a Danish newspaper asked some cartoonist to satirize Mo' the Maurder. Most of the cartoonists chickened out to one degree or another. One of the cartoonist show the cartoonist furtively drawing, another made a joke about heaven being all out of virgins. The cartoons were inoffensive and offended only terrorists.

Here are the Cartoons
Here is the children's book that prompted the Cartoons and the story of the writer.
Here is an amusing and offensive story of Mo' the Mad Maraurder, Cult Leader. NSFW
Here are a variety of editorial cartoons about the Mo' Cartoon Madness, and a blog about editorial cartoons from the same source, Cagle.
The Danish editor who comissioned the cartoons speaks of his reasons in "Why I Published Those Cartoons".

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